William Winram - New World Record 145 meters / by Felix Leander

While this may come a little late - I just saw the video below - William Winram achieved a new world record in variable weight (complete story here).  I first met William in 2008 while diving in South Africa with Tiger Sharks.  At that point my old man was in his late 60s and putting in more water time than anyone I knew - he could easily be in the water 9 hours without flinching.  I will always remember William saying - when I "grow-up" I want to be like your dad, have the energy and the passion.

It seems like William is doing just that - by no means a young buck - William continues to push the limits all while being humble.  I always liked William for those reasons, he is a good person and his mind and heart are in the right place.  Since 2008, William has also become a strong advocate for sharks.